Longevity Remedy with Marcus Pearce | Longevity Coach

This weeks AGERICH Podcast gets right to the heart of ageing with Longevity Coach Marcus Pearce. HIs amazing trips to unique countries with the highest rate of living, tells us the secrets to Longevity (well dispelling ours) and how he helps others see their value and step into practically.
Author – Your Exceptional Life. Founder – Exceptional Life Blueprint. CEO – The Wellness Couch podcast network. Magnificently obsessed with helping people create and live their exceptional life.
I’m inspired to help humanity rise from mediocre to magnificent in each area of life. What I find hardest to see in life is people mastering ONE area of life and dropping the ball in most others (most typically mastering work and dropping the health ball. Or mastering family and dropping the soul/spirit/self ball.
I share my message through longevity coaching, speaking, podcasts, and my book Your Exceptional Life.