
I mostly answer yes, because most of us are! But it’s how you handle it is key. Stress can make you gain weight, age you physically in many ways and also emotionally affect your mental happiness.
Here are my top 3 tips to handle stress!
I use them ALL the time, and very effective!
MAKE A LIST This will get things out of your head and onto paper. Plus make sure you get the satisfaction of ticking things off, it’s just as important as the list, it allows you to feel like you have achieved something.
WRITE A JOURNAL Just the act of writing – pen to paper, even for just 5-10 minutes is wonderful for clearing your mind and issues as you access your sub-conscious. Even if you write the words, ‘apple, apple, apple’, just keep writing and see what comes!
CHANGE PROBLEM to CHALLENGE “If it doesn’t challenge you, then it won’t change you.”
We live our lives filled with good and bad stuff and then we die! So it’s all about HOW you manage your those good and bad bits that counts. Problems and unwanted circumstances are not something to be feared, but a device to get to know yourself, grow and move on.
And blow bubbles when you can 😉