Create a Life You Love

Fashion is about expanding who you are, not hiding behind a wall of fabric and brands. What is fashion? It’s generally known as a popular or the latest style of clothing, hair, decoration, ...
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It’s a lifestyle not a task, because movement is life. Fitness, what is it? The magazines and media say, it’s the 6 pack or bikini body, the Ironman Endurance athlete, Olympic Champions ...
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Connecting with a psychic or a medium can offer a unique and introspective journey into the unknown facets of our lives. Sometimes, life throws curveballs, and a psychic can act as a guide, provi...
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How Art can Transform your life
Art, in its essence, transcends conventional definitions, serving as a profound channel for the expression of the soul and the interconnectedness of the spiritual and material realms. It is a pro...
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Art surrounds us constantly, whether it’s the melody of your favorite song on the radio or the sight of a captivating mural as you drive by. While we acknowledge that these encounters enhance our ...
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It’s been now 2 weeks, although feels like a month, since the Event. I’ve managed to have the flu and build a new site combining 7 of my sites into one (yes living the teaching of integrating 7 a...
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Why We’ll Never Get There – Thank God.
Every day we get up and I don’t know about you, but I have a moment where I think ‘where am I?’ and ‘Who am I’. It’s not the thought that I’m lost, it’s kind of a reboot. This happens pretty...
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Motherhood – The Greatest Opportunity for Change
A Mothers Love is the Strongest Love of All.. When I found out I was pregnant I was absolutely shocked. I just got back with my then boyfriend and our first evening of being reunited brief...
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Parents are the Primary Educator of Their Children
If we were to reflect on our parenting behaviour when our children were babies and totally dependent on us, we may notice that an enormous amount of time is devoted to comforting, nurturing, feedi...
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Over the last 12 months we’ve discovered the value of family and our health. Work has taken a backseat, but survival has come to the fore. In fact survival has taken on a whole new meaning. 114 m...
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Is There a Spot in the Universe for Me?
This is an eternal question we all have about finding meaning and purpose in our lives. The last 12 months has definitely reignited the conversation about searching for meaning and purpose. COVID-...
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Looking at Change From A Different Perspective
Change is inevitable. But interestingly most people are resistant to change. Humans fear change, as it may mean facing something they haven’t experienced before. People fear the unknown. Thus, ac...
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Becoming the Hero of Your Own Journey Towards Success
It is said that we have the power to make our own success. If this is true we could see ourselves as the hero of our journey towards success. Across many literatures, tales, legends, and myths, th...
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Listening to Your Inner Voice and Improve Yourself
Most of the time, humans fail to genuinely appreciate themselves. You usually undermine your skills and achievements and put them under the rug to remain ‘humble’ or ‘unassuming’. However, being t...
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Manifesting Your Dreams But in A Different Perspective
In 2006, Australian writer and television producer Rhonda Byrne published her self-help book entitled The Secret, which went on to sell tens of millions of copies to fans all over the world. The ...
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How to Engage 100% of Your Mind in Meditation
Meditation is a popular technique that entails sitting still and paying attention to your breath to increase one’s state of awareness and focused attention. This practice is also well-known known...
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Oracle Cards Vs Tarot Cards: Which Reading is Better?
Whether it’s for love, career, or family, at some stage most people need guidance in their lives. Because of this need for clarity, various divination and self-exploratory techniques have grown i...
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Feeling Flat? How to Ignite Your Passion and Purpose
Have you ever had moments when you felt uninspired to do anything, even though you are not generally that kind of person? When it comes to getting up and doing the things you used to love doing, d...
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Feeling Overwhelmed & Just Need ME-TIME?
If you had a promotion recently or have a job that entails multiple responsibilities, you may feel overwhelmed by the increasing demands of your work. The pressure builds even more with our lives...
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Getting Worried About Growing Old? Find Out How to EMBRACE YOUR AGE!
Over the years, our bodies show and tell us that we are getting older. Whether back pain, low energy, wrinkles, or diet restrictions, our lives may start to feel limited with each year that passes...
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